
Friday, January 11, 2013

Friday Night Movie Recommendations

The past 9 months have been just one of those Series of Unfortunate Months. This has resulted in more TV watching (out of necessity) and less outside time (due to lack of outside space and accessible parks).  Thankfully, I can put this wasted time to use by giving you, dear reader, a review of my favorite movies I've watched recently!

You're welcome.

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(Brief synopsis here.) I strongly believe this movie was highly misunderstood in the movie industry.  A beautiful movie that left me sobbing - like sobbing so much that my kids started crying - I could not think of a better representation of Autism Spectrum Disorder.  I have strong links to the Autism community and I feel like this film realistically portrayed how a child with Asperger's thinks, feels, and reacts to tragedies.



(Brief synopsis here.) As winner of Best Picture, I watched this with heavy anticipation.  I worried at first that it would bore me.  A silent film in 2012? What?  But, it wasn't.  It was funny, cute, and completely reminiscent of the silent films of yore.



(Brief synopsis here.) As a self-proclaimed Disliker of Animal Movies, I was quite skeptical to watch this movie. After some convincing by the smooth Mr. B, I sat down to watch it with him and some friends.  I loved it.  As a warning, it's not a kid movie and neither is it for those who are averse to violent scenes.

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(Brief synopsis here.) Since the targeted audience was children, I wasn't particularly excited to watch this. I mean, I watch kid shows all day long. No thank you.  But I acquiesced and ended up enjoying it (which is a common theme in our marriage, apparently).  I think it's best to watch it with children as the magic will sparkle in their eyes and help smooth over adult cynicism (of which I have a very serious case.)

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(Brief synopsis here.)  I adore espionage movies. I also adore British movies.  A combination of the two? You bet I'd like it. And I did. Very much.  A definite edge-of-your-seat thriller, I'd recommend watching with some delicious popcorn to munch on during the tense scenes.

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(Brief synopsis here.)  As a full disclaimer, I had to stop this movie about 20 minutes in to brush up on Margaret Thatcher history. (I'm sure that since most of you who read this are much smarter than me, you may not have to do this.) Meryl Streep is possibly my favorite actress, so this was an easy film for me to love.  Additionally, it included feminist themes of which I'm particularly fond: women in politics, women working and caring for children, etc.

Go. Enjoy your Friday night and have a blessed weekend.  Will you also please enjoy the outside for me? I'd really appreciate it.

*Images courtesy of Wikipedia.  Thanks Wikipedia!


  1. Gees, I haven't seen any of these. And I was just listening to the Oscar nominees and thinking how I needed to see all of those, too. Clearly, I need to get out more. Or maybe I need to stay in more??

  2. What is this thing called a movie? Does. Not. Compute.

  3. I have not seen any of these movies. I definitely need to catch up. After I finish watching Season 1 of Homeland... Have you seen it? Definitely an interesting premise and good writing. I hightly recommend it.
